Find your private online information
In order to understand the dangers of having your personal data easily accessible online, the best place to start is to find evidence of it. Once you have a sense of what information others can easily locate about you, then you…

Six fraud avoidance tips from FBI Special Agent
At a recent Cyber Security/Fraud event in Los Angeles, I learned new and valuable information from an FBI Supervisory Special Agent that I want to share with as many people as possible. To that end, I'm passing along what I learned with a…

Dangers of Seniors and Technology
Looking over my dad’s new smartphone photos, my heart skipped a beat. I was staring at vibrant photographs of every credit card in his wallet – and there were many. That’s not where it ended. There were additional photos such as the…

What do you do when you or someone you know has been hacked or spoofed?
I'd like to tell you that I've never clicked on a link I shouldn't have clicked on, but that would be a lie. Do you realize that even a close friend can accidentally give you a virus with an innocent suggestion to download a screensaver,…

Anthem Breach: 7 Tips to Protect Yourself Amidst Attacks
Whether directly impacted or not, there are things we must all learn from the Anthem breach. The sensitive information that was accessed has provided criminals with the ability to create new lines of credit and to steal the identities of…

What’s the privacy tradeoff for playing Words With Friends?
An ongoing game or two of Words with Friends, an app on my Android phone, has been a simple and guilty pleasure that I've enjoyed regularly. After an annoying upgrade option kept popping up on my screen, I read the privacy policy to learn exactly…

Private Lives
Tammy Minn's article below is printed in the October 2014 print issue of Inland Empire Magazine. I am honored and proud to share the article/interview here and hope that you will get a good tip or two out of it yourself!

Facebook’s New Privacy Checkup – Thumbs Up!
When an alligator cartoon offering a Facebook Privacy Checkup popped up while I was using Facebook, I assumed it was fraudulent. Facebook hadn’t seemed concerned about making their privacy settings transparent before and with the unfamiliar…

Keeping personal information off the Internet
Before I'm hired to remove personal information from the Internet, clients understandably want to know if it will stay off permanently. The reality is that multiple factors can cause personal information to come back. The purpose of this…

Impact of European Privacy Policy on the United States
Recently there was a groundbreaking case in The European Union about the right of an individual to be “forgotten” on the Internet. As anyone who has ever had an embarrassing photo shared on the internet can attest to, nothing is ever really…

Why adults must understand technology and social media
“I’m not computer savvy!"
"My kids know more than me!"
"That’s why I don’t use social media!”
I cringe when I hear this because I consider these to be excuses. Like it or not, technology and social media are here to stay. We have…

Opt Out of BeenVerified in less than 2 minutes
BeenVerified is a search engine that provides personal information such as age, contact information, driving citations, arrest history, felonies, misdemeanors, bankruptcies, judgments, liens and more. There is no need to view a paid report in…
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