Preserve and repair your online reputation and presence
Whether you use social media and the Internet or not, you and your reputation can be damaged online. As such, even if you’ve intentionally avoided social media and the Internet for one reason or another, you should know if your own information…

We Don’t Cover Stupid! How to protect sensitive data.
“We don’t cover stupid” is a reminder that ignorance and lack of expertise have become unacceptable excuses for technological negligence. This entertaining but reasonable statement was made by an insurance company who is suing for reimbursement…

The Right To Know vs. The Right To Be Forgotten
Edward Snowden’s 2013 NSA surveillance revelations brought privacy concerns into the consciousness of more people than ever before and then last month’s European Union ruling against Google raised privacy awareness to an even higher level.…

Generation Like – The Value and the Cost
I was uncomfortable as I came to the end of a PBS documentary called, The Like Generation. As I reflected on the footage, I became aware of the roller coaster of emotions I experienced as I watched the Frontline video. What started out…

How to Deal with Negative Reviews
Business review sites such as Yelp can be a source of major frustration for business owners. Issues include exaggerated negative reviews from disgruntled employees, negative reviews by competitors, paid or unpaid fake reviews from people that…

7 Conversation Topics To Keep Kids Safe Online
I panicked as I read an article about new social media apps because I was familiar with only one of them! How can I protect my children if I can't keep track of the apps they use online? Once I calmed down, the answer was clear: I do not need…

What Social Media Apps and Sites are Popular with Kids these days?
Social media has many positive attributes but there’s no denying potential dangers such as reputation damage and exposure to predators, identity thieves and cyber bullies. New social media sites crop up regularly and it’s challenging keeping…

5 Reputation Management Techniques for Protecting your Online Privacy
Reputation management is the process of monitoring and controlling how you are perceived online. Damage to your reputation can be self-inflicted, such as when you post a public Facebook status about how much you hate your boss. It can also…

You’ve set up a Google Alert on yourself, right?
Google Alerts provide an easy way to monitor the web for content that is of interest to us. These alerts can tell us what information is appearing on the Internet about our business, ourselves, our children, our family members and even our competition.…

Social Media Privacy and Security Tips – Part II
Social Media enriches our lives and connects us instantly and inexpensively with the world, but it simultaneously makes it challenging to maintain privacy. Virtues of Social Media include the ability to express ourselves and to share information…

What Children and Teens Should Know About Sexting
“It seemed like a good idea at the time!” This is what my 16 year old son told me when I asked how he could possibly think it was okay to drive a few blocks with his friend in the trunk, and this is exactly what comes to my mind when…
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