7 Conversation Topics To Keep Kids Safe Online
I panicked as I read an article about new social media apps because I was familiar with only one of them! How can I protect my children if I can't keep track of the apps they use online? Once I calmed down, the answer was clear: I do not need…

What Social Media Apps and Sites are Popular with Kids these days?
Social media has many positive attributes but there’s no denying potential dangers such as reputation damage and exposure to predators, identity thieves and cyber bullies. New social media sites crop up regularly and it’s challenging keeping…

How to Protect your Child on Social Networks
Protecting our children’s privacy on social networks is an ongoing challenge that begins at a young age and continues after they leave home for college or work. Let’s face it, many kids know more about social networks and technology than…

Self-destructing photos and videos: Fact or Fiction?
I asked my son why he was so cranky a few days ago and he explained he had just fallen asleep after studying for final exams when he was woken up by an annoying long distance text. A good friend had downloaded Snapchat, an app that sends…
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