What Social Media Apps and Sites are Popular with Kids these days?
Social media has many positive attributes but there’s no denying potential dangers such as reputation damage and exposure to predators, identity thieves and cyber bullies. New social media sites crop up regularly and it’s challenging keeping…

Do you know when apps are posting or tweeting as if they’re you?
A friend asked me if I could explain how a Facebook post in his name appeared in his wife’s news feed when he had no recollection of typing it. My guess was that he likely gave an app permission to post on his behalf and either forgot about…

6 Social Media Privacy and Safety Tips
I am a huge fan of Social Media but I dislike it when privacy or safety are compromised by private photos and information being shared accidentally or maliciously. My own tales include identity theft, credit card fraud and being reprimanded…

Security and Privacy Tips for Twitter Users
The main purpose of Twitter is to help users share information with the world. That means this information is intended to be public and it can even be shared with people who do not use Twitter. The type of information that is shared includes…

Internet Privacy Issues: Think twice before launching into Cyberspace
It is becoming increasingly easy to get into trouble in the Cyber World with its exponentially diminishing privacy and associated dangers. Today got off to a rocky start when I opened up a stern and upset Facebook message from my brother ordering…
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