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How to Deal with Negative Reviews

Business review sites such as Yelp can be a source of major frustration for business owners. Issues include exaggerated negative reviews from disgruntled employees, negative reviews by competitors, paid or unpaid fake reviews from people that…
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24 Sites for Royalty-Free Images (Free and Paid)

In my last article, How to Legally Use Images and Graphics Created by Others, I discussed the dangers of using the work of others without permission or attribution. In this article you will find an extensive list of resources for Creative Commons,…

How To Legally Use Images and Graphics Created By Others

After locating Google images to illustrate a presentation on appropriate use and attribution of images belonging to others, I ran a malware scan on my computer.  The scan identified 469 malicious items that weren't there before the search.…
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Seniors Beware! What is Vishing? (And 3 Ways to Avoid It)

Switching from Windows XP to Windows 8 meant something as simple as shutting down his computer became a challenge for my seventy-something year old dad.  When he coincidentally got a call from "Technical Support" as he was struggling with…
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4 Simple Home and Work Cyber Safety Tips

Upon arrival at the Riverside County Sheriff's Department for cyber security training by a division of Homeland Security, I asked for a password to access wireless internet but my request was denied. I was surprised by the lack of Internet…
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Using Parent Power to Protect Kids Online

When it comes to Internet safety and privacy, conversations between parents and children can help kids make wise decisions. Discussion ideas were provided in 7 Conversation Topics to Keep Kids Safe Online but discussions are not the only options…
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7 Conversation Topics To Keep Kids Safe Online

I panicked as I read an article about new social media apps because I was familiar with only one of them! How can I protect my children if I can't keep track of the apps they use online? Once I calmed down, the answer was clear:  I do not need…

Which is More Important, Safety or Privacy?

The United States mines data to protect its citizens.  As much as I value my privacy, I'm willing to compromise some privacy in exchange for safety although I recognize this provides opportunity for abuse. See video by by AlJazeera below. What…
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What Social Media Apps and Sites are Popular with Kids these days?

Social media has many positive attributes but there’s no denying potential dangers such as reputation damage and exposure to predators, identity thieves and cyber bullies. New social media sites crop up regularly and it’s challenging keeping…
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Private Browsing – How to Surf Incognito

Incognito web browsing is private Internet surfing and it differs from non-private surfing because history of an incognito session does not get saved to the hard drive. When surfing incognito, cache or cookies are not left behind to provide…
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The State of Privacy in 2013

An insightful infographic by HostGator depicts the state of privacy in 2013. The infographic draws attention to the similarity of current privacy to the totalitarian state of privacy described in George Orwell's classic, 1984, which…
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5 Reputation Management Techniques for Protecting your Online Privacy

Reputation management is the process of monitoring and controlling how you are perceived online. Damage to your reputation can be self-inflicted, such as when you post a public Facebook status about how much you hate your boss. It can also…