How I saved my Mac from Ransomware
A virus in the apparent form of ransomware found its way onto my computer last week and I'm not going to lie but for a few moments, I experienced sheer panic! Luckily, I had some tactics for dealing with the situation so…

How to Minimize Your Damage from Inevitable Identity Theft
“It won’t happen to me!” is what many of us think and hope when we hear about other victims of crime. But when it comes to cyber crimes, it’s become a case of when rather than if. "The number of U.S. data breaches tracked in…

Cyber Monday started early this year … Buyer Beware!
Cyber Monday deals used to begin on the Monday following Thanksgiving weekend but just as Christmas trees appeared early this year to maximize the shopping season, so did online shopping deals. I noticed online sales that began as…

Six fraud avoidance tips from FBI Special Agent
At a recent Cyber Security/Fraud event in Los Angeles, I learned new and valuable information from an FBI Supervisory Special Agent that I want to share with as many people as possible. To that end, I'm passing along what I learned with a…

Dangers of Seniors and Technology
Looking over my dad’s new smartphone photos, my heart skipped a beat. I was staring at vibrant photographs of every credit card in his wallet – and there were many. That’s not where it ended. There were additional photos such as the…

What do you do when you or someone you know has been hacked or spoofed?
I'd like to tell you that I've never clicked on a link I shouldn't have clicked on, but that would be a lie. Do you realize that even a close friend can accidentally give you a virus with an innocent suggestion to download a screensaver,…

Anthem Breach: 7 Tips to Protect Yourself Amidst Attacks
Whether directly impacted or not, there are things we must all learn from the Anthem breach. The sensitive information that was accessed has provided criminals with the ability to create new lines of credit and to steal the identities of…

Online deals – tips to avoid becoming a victim this holiday season
It's always a good idea to be careful when shopping online but with the arrival of Cyber Monday and holiday shopping time, it's time to be extra careful as cyber criminals and predators come out in huge numbers.

How apps sneakily steal your privacy
This is a very quick article (with lots of easy illustrations) to remind you that free apps often come with a tradeoff of privacy. Today I clicked on the video below because I figured it must be very good if over 15 million people had viewed…

How to Protect Yourself amidst Recent Data and Credit or Debit Card Breaches
I found myself shopping at Target four times between Black Friday and December 15th when I wanted to buy diapers, spillproof cups, clothes and toys for my adorable 2 year nephew who was staying with me for 10 days. Then I learned that cyber…

Seniors and Facebook Identity Theft: How to Avoid Being a Target
Seniors have long been targets of scams of one kind or another. And with the rapidly growing number of senior citizens embracing social media, especially Facebook, the opportunity for identity theft has also grown.
Why are Seniors More…

Craig’s List Scam – If it seems too good to be true, it is!
If it seems too good to be true, it is too good to be true - especially when it comes to selling on Craig's List.
It started when someone expressed interest in a painting I'd listed on Craig’s List that previously had no activity. I noticed…
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