Seniors Beware! What is Vishing? (And 3 Ways to Avoid It)
Switching from Windows XP to Windows 8 meant something as simple as shutting down his computer became a challenge for my seventy-something year old dad. When he coincidentally got a call from "Technical Support" as he was struggling with…

7 Conversation Topics To Keep Kids Safe Online
I panicked as I read an article about new social media apps because I was familiar with only one of them! How can I protect my children if I can't keep track of the apps they use online? Once I calmed down, the answer was clear: I do not need…

Was I a Victim of an Online Predator?
One would think that someone who writes and talks about Cyber Privacy and Cyber Safety would be immune to online predators, right? Nope. Wrong! Online predators extend beyond the stereotypical dangerous ones who want to steal private information…

I just became a Phishing Fool
A few days ago I warned readers about phishing scams and today, I became a victim. How utterly embarrassing! Take a quick look at this email. If you're a regular Facebook user, would you question it as a legitimate Facebook notification?

Phishing for Bank of America Fools
Phishing emails are usually easy to spot but that does not mean an intelligent (or busy) individual is safe from becoming a victim of a phishing scam. (Forgive me for using "fool" in the title - it fit nicely with the "f" pronunciation of…

Beware of Cyber Monday Online Shopping Scams
Monday, November 26th is Cyber Monday and it's important to remember that cyber criminals will be online in full force too. If you are seeking online deals on Cyber Monday or anytime this holiday season, it can't hurt to take a few moments…

How to Avoid Identity Theft – Prevention is so much Better than Cure
When it comes to Identity Theft, I unfortunately write from a position of experience. The good news is that in spite of having to cancel my personal credit card after someone enjoyed a $5,000 shopping spree in New York with a counterfeit…
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