Electronic Trails and Footprints – Privacy Pros and Cons
After buying a dishwasher from a local appliance store, I purchased an anniversary gag gift from the Hustler store for friends that love a good prank. However, it was my friends who ended up with the last laugh after an employee at the…

Privacy issues with email
My boss was out of town and I was managing a heavy workload by multi-tasking. One client, let's call her "Ray", was especially demanding and rude but since the customer is always right, I hid my frustration from her. My boss at the time…

Digital Safety and Security: Holiday Shopping and Travel Tips
Yesterday I went to a popular mall jewelry store in search of a Thanksgiving Weekend sale but I took to the internet after I was told their brand never goes on sale. It didn’t take long before I came across a cyber deal offering the same…

Facebook Privacy Issues and the Federal Trade Commission
As an update to the recent blog article on Facebook Control & Privacy is on the Verge of Extinction, please see Claire Miller's New York times article regarding the nearing of a settlement between the Federal Trade Commission and Facebook…

How to Avoid Phishing Scams
I've received several emails that appeared to be from Bank of America but poor grammar and spelling coupled with urgency to provide personal information set off warning bells for me and with a little research, I quickly realized these were fraudulent…

Your Facebook Profile Through A Psychopath’s Eyes – Happy Halloween!
A trusted and intelligent reader of my blog suggested I share a privacy-related article and app called, "Take This Lollipop." I tested out the app and freaked out - the app incorporated tagged photos of my children and my young niece and…

How to Verify and Edit Facebook Privacy Settings
There’s been some panic about Facebook privacy, but don’t despair! It’s easy to make certain your privacy settings are set just the way you want them. Click on hyperlinks along the way for additional info or to verify or change your…

Facebook Control & Privacy on the Verge of Extinction
My Facebook page has recently taken on a life of its own and frankly, I’m uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable! It’s almost like I walked outside my front door in my lingerie on the way to the post office, and I didn’t mean to. Worse,…
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