How To Get out of MyLife Directory Site
MyLife compiles personal data from several Internet sites with a stated mission of "helping people find and connect with others by managing the information they choose to share with the world." The founder's stated goal is to "create and protect…

Get yourself out of Persopo
Persopo is one of many sites that provide quick and easy access to personal information originating in public records. A search on the site scans the Internet for contact information, current residence, marriage and divorce records, phone…

Find your private online information
In order to understand the dangers of having your personal data easily accessible online, the best place to start is to find evidence of it. Once you have a sense of what information others can easily locate about you, then you…

How to opt out of peoplesmart
Opting out of directories can feel like fighting a losing battle, but I recommend doing it to make it harder for others to locate your personal information. I recently tested a couple of services that claim to remove…

Opt Out of BeenVerified in less than 2 minutes
BeenVerified is a search engine that provides personal information such as age, contact information, driving citations, arrest history, felonies, misdemeanors, bankruptcies, judgments, liens and more. There is no need to view a paid report in…

How to Opt Out of Instantcheckmate
It’s no secret that private information appears all over the Internet but the malice behind a solicitation email I received bothered me enough to want to get the word out to as many people as possible about ways to remove such information.

Remove Personal Information from the Internet (Spokeo)
I typed names into Spokeo today and to put it mildly, I freaked out when I retrieved all sorts of personal information from the Internet! Our lives have become publicly open books but what upset me most was finding the personal information of…
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