How to Create Strong Passwords & General Password Guidelines
As we use the internet for just about everything, including financial services, online banking, shopping, social media and more, one thing is clear. Strong password protection is critical! It's important to understand that humans are not the…

My password manager: 13 reasons why.
I can’t imagine managing my online world without a password manager. Using a reputable password manager is guaranteed to reduce password frustration and over the years it has protected me and simplified my life. If you don't already use a…

Beware of sneaky and effective gmail attack
A new successful gmail phishing attack has come to my attention and it's so subtle and successful that both inexperienced and experienced technical users are becoming victims. The warning signs of this attack are not easily apparent and…

Six fraud avoidance tips from FBI Special Agent
At a recent Cyber Security/Fraud event in Los Angeles, I learned new and valuable information from an FBI Supervisory Special Agent that I want to share with as many people as possible. To that end, I'm passing along what I learned with a…

Dangers of Seniors and Technology
Looking over my dad’s new smartphone photos, my heart skipped a beat. I was staring at vibrant photographs of every credit card in his wallet – and there were many. That’s not where it ended. There were additional photos such as the…

What do you do when you or someone you know has been hacked or spoofed?
I'd like to tell you that I've never clicked on a link I shouldn't have clicked on, but that would be a lie. Do you realize that even a close friend can accidentally give you a virus with an innocent suggestion to download a screensaver,…

Anthem Breach: 7 Tips to Protect Yourself Amidst Attacks
Whether directly impacted or not, there are things we must all learn from the Anthem breach. The sensitive information that was accessed has provided criminals with the ability to create new lines of credit and to steal the identities of…

Taking Control of Privacy
There is no doubt there are aspects of privacy that are out of our control, but as discussed in the last post called Privacy we Cannot Control, there are solid options for reducing the impact of privacy invasion. Today's post reminds…

4 Simple Home and Work Cyber Safety Tips
Upon arrival at the Riverside County Sheriff's Department for cyber security training by a division of Homeland Security, I asked for a password to access wireless internet but my request was denied. I was surprised by the lack of Internet…

How to Protect your Smartphone from Mobile Attacks
With increasing popularity of tablets and more than 1 billion smartphone users in the world, access and storage of sensitive data and information via mobile devices has increased dramatically. Simultaneously, mobile attacks including device…

How to Keep Hackers Out of Your Website or Blog
I was uncomfortable and unhappy after I watched someone hack into a site in less than 5 minutes. It was so easy to do! So, I followed “the hacker’s” advice to reduce this from happening to me and then cried (just a bit) when I completely…

How to Secure your Smartphone and Increase Your Mobile Security
As smartphones increase in popularity, threats to privacy grow too. We enjoy the convenience of using our phones for online banking, shopping, email, social media, web browsing, storage of personal information and keeping track of our schedules…
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