What’s the fuss about Pokémon Go?
Thursday night I laughed as I watched my grown son crawl on the floor and roam through my house with his eyes glued to his iPhone. He was in search of Pokémon but apparently they weren’t hanging out at our house so he headed to Pink Berry…

Anthem Breach: 7 Tips to Protect Yourself Amidst Attacks
Whether directly impacted or not, there are things we must all learn from the Anthem breach. The sensitive information that was accessed has provided criminals with the ability to create new lines of credit and to steal the identities of…

A teen’s take on virtual popularity
I can’t help but analyze the sometimes-dysfunctional way that people in my age group act online and on social media. Take a commonly used photo-sharing app like Instagram where one can follow a person and “like” their pictures. Just…

The Right To Know vs. The Right To Be Forgotten
Edward Snowden’s 2013 NSA surveillance revelations brought privacy concerns into the consciousness of more people than ever before and then last month’s European Union ruling against Google raised privacy awareness to an even higher level.…

Why adults must understand technology and social media
“I’m not computer savvy!"
"My kids know more than me!"
"That’s why I don’t use social media!”
I cringe when I hear this because I consider these to be excuses. Like it or not, technology and social media are here to stay. We have…

Generation Like – The Value and the Cost
I was uncomfortable as I came to the end of a PBS documentary called, The Like Generation. As I reflected on the footage, I became aware of the roller coaster of emotions I experienced as I watched the Frontline video. What started out…

Talking to Your Texting Teen
"She texts all night long!"
"She won't put that stupid phone down for one second!"
"She cares more about that phone than her own family!"
"I can't talk to her anymore -- I can only TEXT HER!"
Have you or someone you know uttered these…

Is Your Child’s Self-Esteem a Social Media Problem?
Social media has an enormous impact on all children, socially as well as emotionally. However, for children who struggle with self-esteem issues social media can be troublesome – and even dangerous. Kids, of any age, that do not believe…

Using Parent Power to Protect Kids Online
When it comes to Internet safety and privacy, conversations between parents and children can help kids make wise decisions. Discussion ideas were provided in 7 Conversation Topics to Keep Kids Safe Online but discussions are not the only options…

7 Conversation Topics To Keep Kids Safe Online
I panicked as I read an article about new social media apps because I was familiar with only one of them! How can I protect my children if I can't keep track of the apps they use online? Once I calmed down, the answer was clear: I do not need…

What Social Media Apps and Sites are Popular with Kids these days?
Social media has many positive attributes but there’s no denying potential dangers such as reputation damage and exposure to predators, identity thieves and cyber bullies. New social media sites crop up regularly and it’s challenging keeping…

Products and Services that Protect Children Online
Recent cyberbullying-related suicides led to several powerful online discussions about effective ways to protect children and teens. (see one introduction below) We discussed ways to teach children to be respectful, responsible and compassionate…
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