
“Waze” free navigation app comes at high cost
On a rainy day with multiple accidents and horrible traffic, my friend activated Waze on her iPhone and we navigated flawlessly to the end of our 29 mile journey without traffic and in great time. I was very impressed with Waze, a free, community-based…

Taking Control of Privacy
There is no doubt there are aspects of privacy that are out of our control, but as discussed in the last post called Privacy we Cannot Control, there are solid options for reducing the impact of privacy invasion. Today's post reminds…

The State of Privacy in 2013
An insightful infographic by HostGator depicts the state of privacy in 2013.
The infographic draws attention to the similarity of current privacy to the totalitarian state of privacy described in George Orwell's classic, 1984, which…

How to easily see who is tracking you
As we surf the Web, our browsing habits and personal data are tracked by third parties, often without our knowledge or our permission. As consumers, we want it all. We want products and services that meet our needs and solve our problems,…

Prevent Unauthorized Access of Your Full Facebook Profile
Facebook privacy issues continue to surface and a recent one has many of us, including me, quite nervous. Facebook settings give us the option of allowing people to look us up via our Facebook profiles. A couple of days ago, Suriya Prakash…
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