Facebook apps
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How apps sneakily steal your privacy

This is a very quick article (with lots of easy illustrations) to remind you that free apps often come with a tradeoff of privacy. Today I clicked on the video below because I figured it must be very good if over 15 million people had viewed…
Wearable Tech privacy problems
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The Etiquette of Wearable Technology

After Sarah Slocum claimed she was attacked because she wore Google Glass (wearable computer in the form of an optical head-mounted display that looks like glasses) in a bar, volumes of people weighed in with their differing opinions. Many…
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Generation Like – The Value and the Cost

I was uncomfortable as I came to the end of a PBS documentary called, The Like Generation. As I reflected on the footage, I became aware of the roller coaster of emotions I experienced as I watched the Frontline video. What started out…
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Taking Control of Privacy

There is no doubt there are aspects of privacy that are out of our control, but as discussed in the last post called Privacy we Cannot Control, there are solid options for reducing the impact of privacy invasion. Today's post reminds…
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Privacy: How to Deal with What We Cannot Control!

There are moments when I feel helpless and hopeless as I watch privacy diminishing rapidly before my own eyes. Not a day goes by without one type of privacy breach or another and frequent news reports and articles make it feel like cyber attacks…
Target Breach
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How to Protect Yourself amidst Recent Data and Credit or Debit Card Breaches

I found myself shopping at Target four times between Black Friday and December 15th when I wanted to buy diapers, spillproof cups, clothes and toys for my adorable 2 year nephew who was staying with me for 10 days. Then I learned that cyber…
Seniors as scam victims
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Seniors and Facebook Identity Theft: How to Avoid Being a Target

Seniors have long been targets of scams of one kind or another. And with the rapidly growing number of senior citizens embracing social media, especially Facebook, the opportunity for identity theft has also grown. Why are Seniors More…
Remove yourself from Instantcheckmate
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How to Opt Out of Instantcheckmate

It’s no secret that private information appears all over the Internet but the malice behind a solicitation email I received bothered me enough to want to get the word out to as many people as possible about ways to remove such information. Exploration…
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Talking to Your Texting Teen

"She texts all night long!" "She won't put that stupid phone down for one second!" "She cares more about that phone than her own family!" "I can't talk to her anymore -- I can only TEXT HER!" Have you or someone you know uttered these…
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Craig’s List Scam – If it seems too good to be true, it is!

If it seems too good to be true, it is too good to be true - especially when it comes to selling on Craig's List. It started when someone expressed interest in a painting I'd listed on Craig’s List that previously had no activity. I noticed…
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Is Your Child’s Self-Esteem a Social Media Problem?

Social media has an enormous impact on all children, socially as well as emotionally. However, for children who struggle with self-esteem issues social media can be troublesome – and even dangerous. Kids, of any age, that do not believe…

How to Legally Use Images from a Google Search

There are many reasons to search for images on the Internet and multiple sites to find images where image creators and providers allow reuse of their images. Using images without verifying associated licenses is risky. This is a step-by-step…