How to access and change your Google Privacy Settings
Google gets our data from our online browsing and usage of its apps and products such as Nest, Waze, Google Maps, YouTube and Fitbit. This abundant and diverse information teaches Google to know us better than we know ourselves! As terrifying…

How to achieve Amazon privacy
By creating an Amazon account, searching, researching, and then shopping on Amazon, we voluntarily hand Amazon abundant data about ourselves. This data gives Amazon an intimate knowledge of us and also gives them the tools to keep us going back…

Why You Need a VPN (Virtual Private Network)
Data privacy is a huge concern in today’s digital world. For the average Internet user, it may seem like a necessary evil to share your browsing data with sites like Google and Facebook, but in reality, it is not! Unless you enjoy a complete…

How to use online health related information wisely
Online medical or health-related information is beneficial when correctly interpreted and carefully used with common sense, but on the flip side, misinformation, misinterpretation or misuse can lead to serious physical and/or emotional…

Keeping personal information off the Internet
Before I'm hired to remove personal information from the Internet, clients understandably want to know if it will stay off permanently. The reality is that multiple factors can cause personal information to come back. The purpose of this…

Taking Control of Privacy
There is no doubt there are aspects of privacy that are out of our control, but as discussed in the last post called Privacy we Cannot Control, there are solid options for reducing the impact of privacy invasion. Today's post reminds…

Privacy: How to Deal with What We Cannot Control!
There are moments when I feel helpless and hopeless as I watch privacy diminishing rapidly before my own eyes. Not a day goes by without one type of privacy breach or another and frequent news reports and articles make it feel like cyber attacks…

Private Browsing – How to Surf Incognito
Incognito web browsing is private Internet surfing and it differs from non-private surfing because history of an incognito session does not get saved to the hard drive. When surfing incognito, cache or cookies are not left behind to provide…

How to easily see who is tracking you
As we surf the Web, our browsing habits and personal data are tracked by third parties, often without our knowledge or our permission. As consumers, we want it all. We want products and services that meet our needs and solve our problems,…
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