How to Navigate Facebook Privacy Settings
It’s no secret that Meta’s Facebook collects, uses, and profits from abundant user data. This data enables Facebook to provide each person with a customized user experience, but it simultaneously influences users to purchase products and…

How to access and change your Google Privacy Settings
Google gets our data from our online browsing and usage of its apps and products such as Nest, Waze, Google Maps, YouTube and Fitbit. This abundant and diverse information teaches Google to know us better than we know ourselves! As terrifying…

Netflix Social Dilemma documentary examines social media pitfalls
Until I watched the Social Dilemma documentary on Netflix I did not understand how Republicans and Democrats in the United States of America could have such vastly different interpretations of the facts. For example, with over 215,000 people…

Why You Need a VPN (Virtual Private Network)
Data privacy is a huge concern in today’s digital world. For the average Internet user, it may seem like a necessary evil to share your browsing data with sites like Google and Facebook, but in reality, it is not! Unless you enjoy a complete…

What’s the fuss about Pokémon Go?
Thursday night I laughed as I watched my grown son crawl on the floor and roam through my house with his eyes glued to his iPhone. He was in search of Pokémon but apparently they weren’t hanging out at our house so he headed to Pink Berry…

Drones amongst us – what can we do about them?
A few weeks ago, a friend observed a drone in front of her house when she went to investigate an unusual sound. For about 15 minutes she watched it hover above trees, moving back and forth 15 to 20 feet in both directions. She felt violated…

What’s the privacy tradeoff for playing Words With Friends?
An ongoing game or two of Words with Friends, an app on my Android phone, has been a simple and guilty pleasure that I've enjoyed regularly. After an annoying upgrade option kept popping up on my screen, I read the privacy policy to learn exactly…

Taking Control of Privacy
There is no doubt there are aspects of privacy that are out of our control, but as discussed in the last post called Privacy we Cannot Control, there are solid options for reducing the impact of privacy invasion. Today's post reminds…

Private Browsing – How to Surf Incognito
Incognito web browsing is private Internet surfing and it differs from non-private surfing because history of an incognito session does not get saved to the hard drive. When surfing incognito, cache or cookies are not left behind to provide…

How to easily see who is tracking you
As we surf the Web, our browsing habits and personal data are tracked by third parties, often without our knowledge or our permission. As consumers, we want it all. We want products and services that meet our needs and solve our problems,…

Electronic Trails and Footprints – Privacy Pros and Cons
After buying a dishwasher from a local appliance store, I purchased an anniversary gag gift from the Hustler store for friends that love a good prank. However, it was my friends who ended up with the last laugh after an employee at the…

Internet Privacy Issues: Think twice before launching into Cyberspace
It is becoming increasingly easy to get into trouble in the Cyber World with its exponentially diminishing privacy and associated dangers. Today got off to a rocky start when I opened up a stern and upset Facebook message from my brother ordering…
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