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Products and Services that Protect Children Online

Recent cyberbullying-related suicides led to several powerful online discussions about effective ways to protect children and teens. (see one introduction below) We discussed ways to teach children to be respectful, responsible and compassionate…
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How to Protect your Child on Social Networks

Protecting our children’s privacy on social networks is an ongoing challenge that begins at a young age and continues after they leave home for college or work. Let’s face it, many kids know more about social networks and technology than…
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Was I a Victim of an Online Predator?

One would think that someone who writes and talks about Cyber Privacy and Cyber Safety would be immune to online predators, right? Nope. Wrong! Online predators extend beyond the stereotypical dangerous ones who want to steal private information…
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Do you know when apps are posting or tweeting as if they’re you?

A friend asked me if I could explain how a Facebook post in his name appeared in his wife’s news feed when he had no recollection of typing it. My guess was that he likely gave an app permission to post on his behalf and either forgot about…
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I just became a Phishing Fool

A few days ago I warned readers about phishing scams and today, I became a victim. How utterly embarrassing! Take a quick look at this email. If you're a regular Facebook user, would you question it as a legitimate Facebook notification? At…
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Phishing for Bank of America Fools

Phishing emails are usually easy to spot but that does not mean an intelligent (or busy) individual is safe from becoming a victim of a phishing scam. (Forgive me for using "fool" in the title - it fit nicely with the "f" pronunciation of…
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How to easily see who is tracking you

As we surf the Web, our browsing habits and personal data are tracked by third parties, often without our knowledge or our permission. As consumers, we want it all.  We want products and services that meet our needs and solve our problems,…
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How to Protect your Smartphone from Mobile Attacks

With increasing popularity of tablets and more than 1 billion smartphone users in the world, access and storage of sensitive data and information via mobile devices has increased dramatically.  Simultaneously,  mobile attacks including device…
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The email I wish I had never sent

Condominium hotline discussions can result in loads of emails and I had to laugh when I got batches about dog poop in common areas of our condominium complex. But what was funny at first soon became annoying as email after email cluttered up…
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You’ve set up a Google Alert on yourself, right?

Google Alerts provide an easy way to monitor the web for content that is of interest to us. These alerts can tell us what information is appearing on the Internet about our business, ourselves, our children, our family members and even our competition.…
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What do people see when they view your Facebook profile?

A reader's question on my last article, Who Sees Your Personal Facebook Posts, made me realize I'd left out a simple tip.  Her question was, "When someone is looking for my personal page they can see all of my cover page pictures. How…
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Who Sees Your Personal Facebook Posts?

I recently learned that Facebook makes changes to its code every Tuesday and even though many changes may not be obvious, let me tell you why that matters. A few weeks ago, I smiled at a handsome man in the car next to me while waiting at…