The Etiquette of Wearable Technology
After Sarah Slocum claimed she was attacked because she wore Google Glass (wearable computer in the form of an optical head-mounted display that looks like glasses) in a bar, volumes of people weighed in with their differing opinions. Many…

Generation Like – The Value and the Cost
I was uncomfortable as I came to the end of a PBS documentary called, The Like Generation. As I reflected on the footage, I became aware of the roller coaster of emotions I experienced as I watched the Frontline video. What started out…

Taking Control of Privacy
There is no doubt there are aspects of privacy that are out of our control, but as discussed in the last post called Privacy we Cannot Control, there are solid options for reducing the impact of privacy invasion. Today's post reminds…

Privacy: How to Deal with What We Cannot Control!
There are moments when I feel helpless and hopeless as I watch privacy diminishing rapidly before my own eyes. Not a day goes by without one type of privacy breach or another and frequent news reports and articles make it feel like cyber attacks…

How to Opt Out of Instantcheckmate
It’s no secret that private information appears all over the Internet but the malice behind a solicitation email I received bothered me enough to want to get the word out to as many people as possible about ways to remove such information.

Private Browsing – How to Surf Incognito
Incognito web browsing is private Internet surfing and it differs from non-private surfing because history of an incognito session does not get saved to the hard drive. When surfing incognito, cache or cookies are not left behind to provide…

The State of Privacy in 2013
An insightful infographic by HostGator depicts the state of privacy in 2013.
The infographic draws attention to the similarity of current privacy to the totalitarian state of privacy described in George Orwell's classic, 1984, which…

5 Reputation Management Techniques for Protecting your Online Privacy
Reputation management is the process of monitoring and controlling how you are perceived online. Damage to your reputation can be self-inflicted, such as when you post a public Facebook status about how much you hate your boss. It can also…

Products and Services that Protect Children Online
Recent cyberbullying-related suicides led to several powerful online discussions about effective ways to protect children and teens. (see one introduction below) We discussed ways to teach children to be respectful, responsible and compassionate…

You’ve set up a Google Alert on yourself, right?
Google Alerts provide an easy way to monitor the web for content that is of interest to us. These alerts can tell us what information is appearing on the Internet about our business, ourselves, our children, our family members and even our competition.…

What do people see when they view your Facebook profile?
A reader's question on my last article, Who Sees Your Personal Facebook Posts, made me realize I'd left out a simple tip. Her question was, "When someone is looking for my personal page they can see all of my cover page pictures. How…

Remove Personal Information from the Internet (Spokeo)
I typed names into Spokeo today and to put it mildly, I freaked out when I retrieved all sorts of personal information from the Internet! Our lives have become publicly open books but what upset me most was finding the personal information of…
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