How to Protect Yourself amidst Recent Data and Credit or Debit Card Breaches
I found myself shopping at Target four times between Black Friday and December 15th when I wanted to buy diapers, spillproof cups, clothes and toys for my adorable 2 year nephew who was staying with me for 10 days. Then I learned that cyber…

4 Simple Home and Work Cyber Safety Tips
Upon arrival at the Riverside County Sheriff's Department for cyber security training by a division of Homeland Security, I asked for a password to access wireless internet but my request was denied. I was surprised by the lack of Internet…

7 Conversation Topics To Keep Kids Safe Online
I panicked as I read an article about new social media apps because I was familiar with only one of them! How can I protect my children if I can't keep track of the apps they use online? Once I calmed down, the answer was clear: I do not need…

I just became a Phishing Fool
A few days ago I warned readers about phishing scams and today, I became a victim. How utterly embarrassing! Take a quick look at this email. If you're a regular Facebook user, would you question it as a legitimate Facebook notification?

Phishing for Bank of America Fools
Phishing emails are usually easy to spot but that does not mean an intelligent (or busy) individual is safe from becoming a victim of a phishing scam. (Forgive me for using "fool" in the title - it fit nicely with the "f" pronunciation of…

6 Social Media Privacy and Safety Tips
I am a huge fan of Social Media but I dislike it when privacy or safety are compromised by private photos and information being shared accidentally or maliciously. My own tales include identity theft, credit card fraud and being reprimanded…

Cyber Security: 2 ways to Protect yourself, your Family and your Community – Part I
I recently completed two Cyber Security classes provided by TEEX, a Training and Education Division of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. I wanted to learn how local communities prepare for and respond to cyber threats and I hoped the…

Security and Privacy Tips for Twitter Users
The main purpose of Twitter is to help users share information with the world. That means this information is intended to be public and it can even be shared with people who do not use Twitter. The type of information that is shared includes…

How to Prevent Child Identity Theft
Child identity theft is on the rise. The greatest increase has been seen in children under 5 years old but the reality is that child identity thieves are targeting children of all ages. This is because the personal information of young children…

Chase’s Response to Fraudulent Email
I always forward phishing emails to the misrepresented organization (most often Bank of America) but have never gotten a response back. The lack of acknowledgement made me wonder if anyone ever reviewed the forwarded emails or if I was just…

Chase Phishing Scam Close Call
I usually get phishing emails from Bank of America, but today I got an alert from Chase that almost had me fooled. Following my own advice from a previous article, How to Avoid Phishing Scams , I logged onto Chase on-line by typing in…

Digital Safety and Security: Holiday Shopping and Travel Tips
Yesterday I went to a popular mall jewelry store in search of a Thanksgiving Weekend sale but I took to the internet after I was told their brand never goes on sale. It didn’t take long before I came across a cyber deal offering the same…
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