Cyber Privacy Suite
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Why You Must Manage Your Own Privacy

Consumer Privacy was a hot topic at the world’s largest technology conference, CES, that was held Jan. 7-10 in Las Vegas. Big companies and promising startups showed off their latest inventions to the tech world and while 8K TVs, smart devices…
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Why is my personal information online?

Personal information is online because it stems from public records and is valuable to marketers and to data brokers who buy and sell it to those who are willing to pay for it. This data is also made available by government agencies and even…
Postage Scams
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How to protect yourself from FedEx, UPS, USPS and Amazon scams

Watch out for dangerous Amazon, FedEx, UPS, USPS emails AND text messages that appear to be from these businesses but they are not! Many people are falling prey to these scams because vast numbers of consumers take advantage of the convenience…
Get your benefits
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Equifax Breach Compensation Deadline

If you were impacted by the 2017 Equifax Data breach you have less than a week left to apply for compensation and reimbursements by the deadline of January 22nd, 2020. The clock is ticking so act now. Compensation options from the class…
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Current laws supporting privacy of online personal information

Privacy legislation benefitting those who want control over their personal information is finally here. If you don’t like your home address, birthday, age, family information, spending habits, online behaviors, court records, criminal…
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Why you should avoid FaceApp, the viral aging app

There is a lot of buzz and panic regarding privacy with the photo morphing FaceApp. In an instant the app can change gender, eye color, skin tone, expression, age or hairstyle to name a few of its features. There are both fun and useful applications…
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Get LexisNexis Reports. Then opt out!

LexisNexis is a legitimate source of personal consumer information for many businesses. This information includes real estate transactions and ownership, lien, judgment and bankruptcy records, professional license information, traffic…
Search for yourself online
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How to look yourself up online

It's important to look yourself up online occasionally so that you know what others who look you up will see and so that you can take action if you discover any problematic results. Remedies may include responding to a review, removal of…
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How to opt out of CheckPeople

Checkpeople is one of many, many data broker sites sharing invasive personal data that originates from public records. This site used to have a quick and easy automated opt out option which they replaced with a USPS opt out requiring 60 days…
delete yourself from socialcatfish
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How to opt out of Social Catfish

Social Catfish is a newer site gaining in popularity and showing up in early search results. While there is no doubting the value of helping to connect people and also helping to determine if people online are really who they say they are, I'm…
Opt out of peoplesearchnow
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How to opt out of PeopleSearchNow

It is a good idea to remove your personal data from People Search Now because it is showing up frequently in search engines when a person's name is entered. The good news is that it's a fairly quick and easy removal procedure. The better news…
How to Opt Out of Spytox
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How to Opt Out of Spytox

Spytox questionably calls itself the "world's most trusted white pages directory" but it is yet another one of many sites that gather and share loads of information most people would prefer to not have so easily available online. To be clear,…
VPNFilter Malware

FBI Alert – over 70 router models hacked

The FBI is suggesting that home and small business network routers are rebooted to disrupt malware named "VPNFilter" that is infecting many types of devices connected to the Internet. Click here for the official FBI alert. "VPNFilter" can…
How to look yourself up online
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How to locate your private and personal information online

The negligent sharing of personal information by Facebook has brought the sharing of our personal data into the limelight. While this type of information sharing is valuable for sales and marketing purposes,  many people don't realize that…
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How to opt out of Cubib

Cubib is a site that is worthwhile looking yourself up on because of the vast amount of detailed free personal information it provides. Here is what you can expect to see on this site: People search data - it's not unusual to find…